Ethnic Styling Workshop by Riri Rengganis : Educating Consumers on Different Materials and How to Wear Traditional Textiles

Ethnic Styling Workshop by Riri Rengganis : Educating Consumers on Different Materials and How to Wear Traditional Textiles

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A lot of my designer friends have already done so much in terms of giving back to the society, by going to villages and small industries to share knowledge through workshops, or developing local products with added values through design. But I have a different approach. I feel that just adding value to local products is not enough, if the majority of the consumer is still like this : searches for the cheapest, and refuses to understand what is behind the products they buy. Especially when it comes to batik, most common consumers intend to buy batik with pride in helping the local economy, but instead they don’t realize that they are just wearing printed fabric (which might have been imported from China). So to balance the spirit of making things better, I will focus on educating the consumer.

It’s titled “Ethnic Styling Workshop”… but the hidden agenda is actually to share how to differentiate handdrawn (tulis), stamped, and printed batik. Also a quick guide to differentiate between cotton, silk, rayon and polyester, because it is important to choose the right fabric for making an embroidered kebaya.

The styling tutorials on how to wear sarongs, and kebaya designs is the fun part of the workshop. The more variations we know and can create, the more confident we are in collecting traditional textiles, which at the end of the day, helps the local craftsmen too.

Enjoying traditional textiles doesn’t need complicated understanding of the origins and philosophy of each motif. For those who are interested, there are tons of books to read. But for us who are super busy, we can still make a difference, through small steps. Understand and believe in what you buy. Are we enjoying fashion just for the style? Or are we also conserving culture and helping the local economy? Hopefully the participants went home with a more critical, positive and creative mindset. I will develop this workshop into an important routine event, for the better of the local craftsmen, and consumers. This is my way of giving back.

Thanks to Sandy Cmnk for the cozy gallery. It's just perfect for a workshop like this!
Thanks to Nanang S. Damardono & Dewi Wulan Sari for the photos!!!


Sebenarnya sudah banyak bentuk pengabdian teman-teman desainer yang masuk ke desa / industri kecil : dengan membuat workshop untuk pengrajin, atau mengembangkan produk baru dengan sentuhan desain untuk meningkatkan value produk lokal. Tetapi kalau saya pendekatannya lain, walau tujuannya sama. Menurutku, percuma produk lokal dimaksimalkan valuenya, kalau mayoritas konsumennya tetap begini-begini saja : cari murah, dan tidak mau mengerti. Apalagi urusan batik, tidak sedikit konsumen umum yang bermaksud berbangga membantu ekonomi lokal dengan memakai batik, tapi tanpa disadari dia hanya memakai tekstil print (yang mungkin import dari Cina). Jadi untuk menyeimbangkan semangat ini, saya fokus dulu di urusan edukasi konsumennya.

Judulnya Ethnic Styling Workshop… tapi sebenarnya misi terselubungnya adalah untuk berbagi tentang cara membedakan batik tulis, cap dan print. Juga panduan membedakan antara katun, sutera, rayon, dan polyester, karena menyangkut pentingnya pemilihan bahan yang benar untuk dijadikan kebaya.

Soal styling kebaya dan cara ikat mengikat kain tradisional itu sebenarnya materi bonus tapi menjadi bagian paling seru untuk daya tarik peserta. Dan tentunya semakin banyak variasi yg bisa kita kreasikan, semakin percaya diri kita untuk mengoleksi tekstil tradisional, dan itu juga menolong pengrajin kita.

Menikmati tekstil tradisional tidak perlu rumit-rumit mempelajari asal usul dan filosofi setiap motifnya. Kalau memang berminat mendalami, sudah banyak buku-buku yang bisa dipelajari. Tapi kita-kita yang super sibuk ini bisa “make a difference” dari langkah kecil. Yakinlah tentang apa yang kita beli. Apakah kita menikmati fashion hanya sekedar karena kita suka stylenya? Atau di balik itu kita juga melestarikan budaya dan menolong ekonomi pengrajin lokal? Semoga para peserta pulang dengan pemikiran lebih kritis, lebih positif dan kreatif. Workshop ini akan menjadi kegiatan rutin saya, demi kebaikan sesama pengrajin lokal maupun konsumennya. Inilah bentuk pengabdian saya.

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